BMW owners know how good their cars are designed, which is why it can be shocking when they start to malfunction. Over time, even the best BMW models will begin to break down in various ways due to natural wear and tear. One of the most common ways your car may show wear is for the ignition module to fail.

We’ve put together everything you need to know to make sure that you’re aware of what to look for if you think your BMW’s ignition module might be failing.

The Ignition Module

As you might be able to guess from the name, the ignition module is in charge of the ignition. Actually, it plays an important part in both the initial starting of your car and in ensuring that the car continues to run at its best through the entire drive. This second function of the module gives it this other name: the electronic spark control module.

Essentially, this component is what allows your car to start, and once the car has started, it uses the information fed to it from sensors throughout the engine to regulate the engine timing and adjust based on the environment and situation.

You can probably imagine that when the ignition module stops working, it is bad news for your engine. That’s why it’s useful to know what signs to look out for so you can get the problem fixed quickly and keep your BMW running smoothly.

Common Signs of Ignition Module Failure

The systems inside your BMW are very interconnected, which is why it can sometimes be hard to determine what the exact problem is when something goes wrong. Many different issues can lead to the same symptoms. However, knowing some of these may help you and your trusted mechanic to narrow it down:

  • Overheating engine: Because the ignition module is in charge of controlling and adjusting the engine’s timing, when it starts to fail, it won’t be able to regulate the timing accurately. This can lead to overheating as the engine tries to work too hard to keep up the same level of results as normal.
  • Lowered fuel efficiency: One thing you will tend to notice first whenever something starts to go wrong with your car is that you’re having to go to the gas station more often than before. As the engine isn’t able to run at peak efficiency, it uses up more gas then it does when it is running the way it should.
  • Engine misfiring and starting issues: If the ignition module is doing really bad, you may not be able to start your car at all. Otherwise, you may notice that it has difficulty starting. Even if you get it to start, you might notice that the car suddenly lurches while driving, indicating a misfire. If this continues, you will need to get the car checked out to see what the problem is, and you may need to get the ignition module replaced if the mechanic determines that this is what’s wrong.
  • Stalling: Another common engine problem you may notice when the ignition module starts to fail is that the engine will start stalling. When the ignition module isn’t there to regulate the engine timing, it can cause the combustion process to get interrupted.
  • Decreased power: BMW owners are used to high performance and engine responses. When you step on the gas, you can expect the engine to accelerate immediately. However, when the ignition module starts to fail, the engine will not be able to react as quickly to your demand because it’s not prepared. If you notice that your car is starting to be less responsive than usual, the cause could be the ignition module.

Where to Go For Help

When you think your BMW’s ignition module might BMW Ignition Module be starting to fail, the best thing you can do is bring your car to our knowledgeable and experienced mechanics at Momentum Motorworks in Birmingham, AL. We only work on Mercedes, BMW, and Audi cars, and it is our goal to get you back on the road safely. If you’d like to learn more about us or set up an appointment, call us or visit us in the shop. Allow us to earn your business today!

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